Where should i put the bluetooth module?

I had recently bought the DF RobotShop arduino rover (bluetooth kit) and there is no instruction on where to place the module on this board. I do have the v2 model of this board! All i want to know is where i put it? Do i need to buy a arduino shield or Soldier it in the Prototyping area with wires going to the heads on the back of the board? Or lastly, on the Xbee headers? I havent soldiered anything yet so that i didn't ruin it . So if any one has done this kit before please do help me and post pics because I kind of need a picture to see where i need to put it, or even a schematic of this. Im doing this as a project and it would be very kind if anyone can point me in the right direction!

Thanks, Ryan Grzybowski

The DFRobot Bluetooth module was replaced by the one you currently have because issues were discovered with the compatibility. The replacement can be placed in the Bluetooth / APC220 slot here:
youtube.com/watch?v=L5cmJo9 … lpage#t=60
Note that the module needs to face forward (hanging over the dual motor controller).

Hope this helps and we apologize for any inconvenience.

A related question:

I just received my DF RobotShop Rover (bluetooth kit) and find I have the (7-pin) DFRobot Bluetooth module.
Is this now standard? Unfortunately the documentation still describes the use of the XBee module so I am
unclear about a couple of things.

In particular, can the bluetooth module be in place (in the APC220 slot) during a software download?

We had to change the BT module because a number of customers had issues with the BT in XBee format.
The current DFRobot BT module included with the kit fits into the APC200 / BT port (facing forward, over the motor controller chip)
The BT module takes up the serial port (digital pins 0 and 1), and needs to be removed in order to upload a new sketch to the board.