Where can i go cheap?

Hi everyone im having a bit of a problem choosing some servos for a 12 servo biped feet platform iv got my eye on the HS-5645MG but in order for me to get my project under way i need Aus$1260 to get them ($105 each) :frowning: unfortunately thats over my spending limit. Is there some positions that i can substitute for cheaper servos?

:unamused: sorry, but a lot of people, who like you tried cheaper servos was just a wast of money, it didnā€™t work or they broke after a couple of days. so, then they had to buy the 5645ā€™s eaven if they had already bought for 200$ american of cheap servos.

the best is to go with Hitec first, evryone knows its high quality, you wont be disapointed and it will work (the main factor, it has to work!!!) :laughing:

Iā€™m not exactly sure what you mean by ā€œ12 servo biped feet platformā€, but it sounds like you plan to have 6DOF legs. In that case, stick with all 12 leg servos being 5645. If itā€™s not going to have an upper body (like the Lynxmotion Scout), you could use the analog 645MG instead to save money.

If you are building a full humanoid, I think you can go cheaper in the head, wrist and grippers- Iā€™d consider using 5475 in those places to keep it all digital if the 5645 is your main servo. In this case, Iā€™d stick with the 5645 in all parts of the legs, waist rotation and the shoulders.

Of course this is just one opinionā€¦ but Iā€™d definitely not go cheap in a biped.

you can try servohut dot com . they have servos cheap in price. i used the gws servos in my biped . i have built 3 so far & never had a problem with the servos burning out or just quit working. they also have other type of servos to choose from not just gws servo.

hope this helps.
charlie aka robonetics35

You made an SES based biped with GWS servos? Which ones? Did you modify the brackets to get them to fit? Can we see some pictures of how you accomplished this? There is a warning on the SES product page about GWS and BlueBird servos being oversized and that they will not fit the SES brackets so it would be interesting to see what you came up with.

You can buy them from Lynxmotion for about half of that and have them shipped to you. I donā€™t know what the shipping costs would be, or what the Duty taxes will be. But it might be an cheaper way to get them.

Since you are in Australia, have you checked out www.tribotix.com? They sell all sorts of biped robots. They are located in Charlestown. If you want to build from scratch, take a look at the Dynamixel and the AI motors. Quite impressive.


Off topic, but how did you get your subtitle (under your username) changed to Mr Roboto? I donā€™t see the option to change that anywhere. I didnā€™t think it could be on this forum.

That is his column in Servo magazine.

He probably e-mailed snailkeeper

hey EddieB,
sorry for the delay of getting back to you. to answer your questions about ses. "yes "i have made my bipeds with the ses. ā€œyesā€ you might have to modify the ses brackets abit to fit the larger servos, but can be done. ā€œyesā€ there is a warning about the gws fitting. but it is easy to modify the brackets. i do have pix of my bipeds & can show you them. i dont know how to post the pix on here, i do have them on parallax under my user name ā€œroboneticsā€ on there forum do a searh for user & key in my name. you will see the pix. or i could email them to you as well. but to answer your questionsā€”> ā€œyesā€ you can use the ses with the gws with some modifying of brackets.

good luck

I need to make this information into a sticky postā€¦

You can use a free image hosting place, such as photobucket.com or imageshack.us/. Upload your image, and copy the URL. To post your image, do it like this:


ok, thank you. now i am going to give it a try. here is the links to my biped robot i have built with lynxmotion ses that i had to moditfy to fit the gws servos.

s155.photobucket.com/albums/s303 ā€¦ interval=3

i do have another biped robot i built, i will upload the pix soon


Charlie, great work on that biped. Nice sword!
Did you make those shaped aluminum parts yourself?
Do you have video?

thank you, i made the sword , chest plate, arm & leg plates. the waist brackets & foot plates. i did use the lynxmotion servo erector set brackets = ses. i had to moditfy the brackets to work with the gws servos i used. i also used the mini atom bot board & the ssc-32 servo controller, wireless video cam, the IR sensor & gws pg-03 gyros.

i am now working on a NEW BIGGER biped robot called A.L.I.A. = ASSISTED - LIVING - INTELLAGENT - ANDROID . I desided to do this biped in memory of my dad. he died after 6 cancer operations in a 10 year period. i know first hand how hard it can be on people when loved one become ill & unable to be there to as much as they can to care for them. so iā€™m working on a new biped to help with some of the care of a loved one. it will answer door,get the phone, a drink for the person, pick up stuff the person drops, get the mail & call 911 if needed & give address for help. it will also monitor the blood pressure, heart, pulse & breathing rate. if it reach a critical level it will also call 911 for help & the closes person to let them know.
this will be my 4th biped robot i built once it done. this one is going to take some time to complete & allot of $$ to do, but i have started it & started to get the stuff i will need for this robot. itā€™s going to look like a female nurse. i will be making all my brackets & other parts. it will use servos, sensors,robo eye vision system, a voice recongtion system, a basic stamp & bot board. also a VT310-DP mini ITX motherboard,20gb harddrive 256mb ram. plus other stuff. it will have 3 finger hands to be able to pick up stuff etc.

anyway, thanks for the complement.

Charlie, you have some serious skills. Very impressive. Sorry to hear about your dad. :frowning:

ALIA sounds like an amazing robot. Please keep us updated as you make progress.

I also plan to make a SES humanoid robot, but Iā€™m going to wait until next year.

If you have any video of your current robot, Iā€™d love to see it.

thank you, i do have allot of experince with electronics, i was an R&D electronics tech for simulaids, but got screwed over. thats another story.
guess itā€™s a good thing because i am freelancing nowā€¦anywayā€¦

sorry but i do not have video of the other bipeds, something i didnt think of doing at the time. but i am going to do it with this one.
i will also have a web site for it as well with info,pics & video clips.kinda like the open pino site.i will post the site once i get to that point.
