I am making a 4 wheeled wall climber robot based on suction mechanism.It requires a powerful vacuum motor and fan designed to provide maximum static thrust.Four silicone tires, coupled with four high power micro gear motors provide the torque necessary to drive it up 90 degree surfaces with ease. can you tell me the exact specifications of components required for this and will this actually work practically?
It’s essentially the opposite of a hovercraft. Find the lightest weight components you can for the drive system (motor, wheels, controller etc), and a comparably sized blower fan (good thrust for its weight).
Not sure why the platform in your image does not have a “skirt” to help with suction. The following links are intended to provide general ideas and have not been tested in a wall climbing setup.
The motors and wheels in the image you included are:
robotshop.com/en/pololu-whee … -pair.html
robotshop.com/en/pololu-micr … ended.html
robotshop.com/en/pololu-298- … or-hp.html (several gear ratios available)
You need a lightweight receiver and RC DC motor controller:
2x robotshop.com/en/wasp-10a-6- … =RB-Rop-03
robotshop.com/en/radiolink-t … =RB-Rlk-03
Unfortunately we do not carry a blower or ducted fan setup.
Thank you.What is a “skirt”??and what can I use instead of a ducted fan?can i use a CPU fan or propeller?
If yes then of what specification?
The “skirt” is what you would find around a hovercraft - but modified since the pressure will be lower on the inside rather than the outside.
A CPU fan is nowhere close to being able to provide the necessary force. You need a brushless DC motor, propeller and appropriate fan.
robotshop.com/en/uav-drone-e … llers.html
The appropriate combination will depend on your setup and require experimentation.
Can you please tell me how to make he skirt and the specifications of motor and fan?
This is a custom designed product, with very few commercial examples to draw experience from. You will need to do some testing.
Regarding the skirt, we do not sell such products, so you’ll need to figure out a design.
Please keep in mind that wall climbing robots are still very new and aside from a few toys and one or two commercial products, there is not much that exists aside from prototypes.
You’re venturing into somewhat new territory.
There is someone on Let’s Make Robots also interested in making a wall climbing robot here: