Good day! :)
I've been a member in this community just earlier, as well as I am in this field of electronics robotics.
I have my obstacle avoiding robot kit here with an arduino uno as the microcontroller. I encountered no problems in servos and HC-SR04, But I do with wheels. I used 293 to drive wheels on my desired direction, clockwise and counter-clockwise obviously. So here's my problem.
I wired them right and had no loose wirings on my DC Motor, I followed the pin configuration of L293D IC.
// code
const int LMA = 2;
const int LMB = 3;
const int RMA =4;
const int RMB =5;
void setup()
pinMode(LMA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LMB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RMA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RMB, OUTPUT);
void loop()
void forward();
digitalWrite(LMA, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LMB. LOW);
digitalWrite(RMA, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RMB, LOW);
// assuming that there are still other codes for wheel direction
did I just do it right?
but when I changed it to
the other wheel is not speening(left wheel), while the other one does.
then when I put this one,
void loop()
digitalWrite(LMA, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LMB, LOW);
then it is still not working, and I checked if there are any defects on that wheel, but it does work when I powered it without passing through the IC . and by the way, I gave it a power supply of approximately 6V ((4) 1.5V
thank you, and I'm hoping for your informations or answers to be shared. :)
- Ellimenopy :)