What to buy for ultra sound rover?

i want to make a wireless rover, using my computer as the brain it will send commands wirelessly to a rover to steer it. The rover will have an ultra sound sensor to be able to measure distances

so far i’m looking at the following:

(any one know the range of bluetooth and the xbee?)

to mount on the sensor


eventually i want to add a compass and a webcam to the tilt head, but thats not so important for the time being.

the question is, do i need anything else to control the servos/sensor? or will these plug straight in to the rover board? will any soldering be required?

am i missing anything?


I’m looking at using this:
DFRobotShop Rover - Arduino Compatible Tracked Robot (Bluetooth Kit)

so that IO board would be used for my servos and for the ultra sound?

as for ultra sounds:
this looks to have the biggest range with a good near distance measurement as well. Is there some form of mount for this available?
i’ve also spotted this one:
which is really cheap and seems comparable to the high priced ones, surely there is something wrong with this?

Hi supagu,

Welcome to the RobotShop Forum. Which rover are you using? If your rover has a microcontroller, you can certainly control the servos directly using (repeated) timed pulses via digital or analog pins. The pan/tilt systems do not need any soldering, though it is important to know which board they will connect to. The DFRobot connectors on the ultrasonic module may interfere with the sensor bracket you chose, and we would suggest using an ultrasonic sensor with perpendicular connectors. If you are using the DFRobotShop Rover, the DFRobot IO shield will make connections very easy.

Hope this helps,

Hi Supagu,

The IO shield makes connecting 3-pin sensors and servos very easy. It is not required, just convenient. There is no specific mount for the SRF01, though you should be able to drill a hole through a block of wood to mount it (paint the wood black if you want it to match). The Seeedstudio Ultrasonic Range Finder is certainly priced competitively, though you will have a bit more programming to do.
