What SHould I do to make my Sumo Robot Right? ASAP

[size=150]I have a 4WD Rovers Kit with 4 Motors connected like this[/size]

[size=150]and I am using the Sabertooth 2X10 R/C controller

then i connect it to Bot Board II with BASIC Atom Pro 28 Pin

i have 2 Sharp GP2D12 IR Sensor + 2 Single Line Detector

I tried to make it sumo robot with this program lynxmotion.com/images/files/basumo04.bas [/size]

[size=150]i saw this program from here lynxmotion.com/images/html/build044.htm [/size]

[size=150]but its not working!!!
[size=150]What do I need to make it right???
[size=150]can i add another Sharp IR in the bake?? How??[/size]

You need to explain what is not working as it should.

Also, don’t post same message in two different threads. And use normal text. People aren’t even going to read it. Sounds like you’re shouting!

Most people read all the messages anyway.

Alan KM6VV

I killed the cross-post. He should edit his post so it looks more like an adult wrote it and provide the information zoomkat suggested. :wink:

Yes, I fully agree. And I appreciate it that you killed the double. If ever he edits his post, I may go back and see if I can help.

Alan KM6VV

Our problem is in the programming. We have the 4wd Rover and the atom pro controller. The motor control we are using the sabertooth motor control. In the above listed post we are trying to use the linked program to do an ops chk. The problem is that the program is using the scorpion controller. How can we configure the program to work with our motor controller.


So what is the program doing that is wrong? For the most part I think the two controllers can both use the same pulses to control them.

The issue is probably more likely to be on how you have configured the sabertooth controller. I took a 10 second look at the program and it looks like the program wants the two motors to be controlled indpendant of each other, so you need to configure your sabertooth not to use mixed mode.

Good Luck


The program you are using is for the Atom Pro, not the Atom. The pulsout command needs to change from 1uS resolution to 0.5uS resolution. :wink: