What do "japanese" guys use type of Line Sensors in sumo bots

2017SumobotGameRulesV3.pdf (475645Bytes)

Hello LMR, i was just wondering about if it is really with the sensors that gave late values for the robot to react with such value or the motors who reacts too late when the value is given perfectly/ at the right time.

like i wonder how those japnese guys made their sumo robots to detect white line from the edge accurately despite of such very high speed, while me having only a 3 meter per second robot could even detect that it just passed a white line which results the robot to fall from the ring...

if it is with sensors, then what type of sensors did they use? 

and btw, im planning to use a pair of tamiya dc motors, light dash I guess, coz the other motors are just too fast. 


here's the sample video...


The video needs a “Wacky Sax” soundtrack.

I watched the video a few times and the first thing i noticed was the winner only goes about 1.5 Mps and 1 contestant  practically crawls.

But to give you meaningful answers can you give us some more info like:

What are you using as a CPU?

How are you trying to sense the line?  

Are you using a hardware interrupt?

Also i would love to see a photo of your bot.  And can you link to the rules you compete under so we don’t spend time on solutions that are not allowed.  


Many factors

R.G. has listed the most important points. Keep in mind too that the frame needs to essentially be able to stop and go on incredibly short notice, so it needs very high friction, a decently heavy frame, and motors which can withstand the inertia. The number of readings per second depends on the controller, type of sensor used (and how many), and the efficiency of the code. It also comes down to strategy - if you have a scanning laser rangefinder, you can immediately detect the location of your opponent (though this comes at a high price), so locating, then turning and then moving needs to be calculated very quickly. Tamiya DC gear motors offer incredible value, but might have issues with backlash - you might want to opt for a complete gear motor system which is preassembled.

**Thanks! **

 I just sent the one and only picture of my bot, I cant send a picture of its different sides because it was sent to my school’s office/ laboratory. So I only used 1 line detector for front and back (facing the floor), and used infrared sensors (same as the line detectors) on each side of the robot (left and right facing the opponent). And used 1 HC-SR04 for front and back side (for opponents) .  My robot is 750+kg I guess. And I can say it has a enough friction for its frontal frame always gets a contact with the floor. 

Another concern is that Ultrasonic sensors freak out and sends crazy values to my cpu which results to misinterpretation of those values and do actions that it should not do just because of a wrong value given by these sensors…this has been my problem with those type of sensors.

And Another question is that, as I start the robot or turn the switch on, it suddenly jerks… like the right wheel moves about 0.25 seconds, then stops and do the loop. Why is that so?   

Thanks !

I am using Arduino Uno R3


I think this was my mistake for using line following sensors ( http://www.bitstoc.com/image/cache/data/Products/line%20follower%201-500x500.jpg )  for detecting the edges… I mean they accurately get the values, but the robot reacts too late from those which results to fall from the board and lose. Or maybe, it was with my dc motors that I used ( http://www.bitstoc.com/image/cache/data/Products/dc%20motor%20gear%20a-500x500.jpg ) because they stop too late. 

* No I didn’t, I was not aware/informed that they are allowed. So I just built a simple frame ( https://scontent.fceb2-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15078969_1449742841720818_2231362995888760544_n.jpg?oh=593f9fb73730a1cfa3e08398ba594e9a&oe=591F1352 )


I sent an attachment about the sumobot competition.

Sumo Bot

Quite impressive moving a “750+kg” 3m/s robot with those little motors.

Hello Sir! It’s me again.

Yes sir, that was what I remembered, I dont know the exact weight but it was something close to that… and perhaps, I might say 1 m/s for its speed I guess. Btw, I used four of those motors, and 9V for each motors.

I can really see that my bot is moving faster than my foes, however it fails to push the opponent away from the ring. So I decided to change those motors of higher torque and provides as well enough speed. If you have any idea sir, of which online store I can buy that won’t require any cards to purchase their items, because I do not have any. Maybe through Western Union, or any methods.