I had jitter problems on my MiniEric robot. I was using HXT900 micro servos for pan/tilt and the jitter was at the tilt servo, because the head is heavy. After I changed the servos with Turnigy TGY-S3101S servos the jitter stopped. Better quality servos… but still cheap enough. Also the new servos have a better accuracy, they turn in 1 degree steps with nice precision and a lot less noise, both mechanical and electrical. Very pleased with them and I recommend them any time I get the chance.
I have to say the ones I am using are not the best quality, they are eSky digital micro servos. The reason I chose them is because they are slightly smaller than all the other micro servos (hxt900, sg90 etc), which allowed me to fit one inside the head with enough room for a wireless camera. (Plus the fact I had a couple in my box :D).
I bought them from HobbyKing.com. But I guess you need pico servos, never tested servos so small, no idea what to recommend. A Hitech, Futaba or GWS servo will not have any jitter, provided the code is good, of course.