Could the Sabertooth 2X10 controller be able to handle two drill motors? I’m starting to build my tracked vehicle project and need a way to control the motors. For now I only have a 7.2V Lynx battery, but want to get a 3S Lipo down the road (I had awesome results with them in rc). Thanks!
The motors are two Harbor freight 18V motors.
as long as it is rated for more than what the motors amperage is, i think it should be fine. the heatsink on this beast is incredible and i dont think you’ll have a problem. I have no experience with the sabertooth however the specs on it seem to support my answer. If you can provide a little more detail about your drill motors, we can take a better looksee at what you will need. 
The motors came out of an 18V Harbor Freight drill. It had a blue case… And was a piece of junk basically! Haha. The only thing the motor says is “RS650 HS - 18.0V - Cheng Kang”. I’m going to search for that and see what I come up with.
I searched and found nothing. It’s basically just a motor attached to a gearbox. I could find nothing about the motor. But I did manage to find the link to the drill off Harbor Freight. Kinda ironic the drill cost $5 more than a replacement battery costs. … mber=93440
Im Sure the Sabertooth is plenty. Its rated for 15amps ate 24vdc. I would suggest a computer fan to cool it down incase of any “worse Case scenario” with the motors.
Sabertooth 2x10 can handle a pair of drill motors without any trouble as long as you’re not looking to get into a pushing contest. At stall the overcurrent protection will kick in, which will basically cause a soft start type behavior.
Those particular drills will overheat at about 10A continuous anyway. They’re not nearly as high quality motors as what you can get elsewhere (lynxmotion for example) but you can’t beat the price when they go on sale for $10.
Hope that helps,
John Bellinger
Dimension Engineering
Thanks, that is all I needed to know! Now I have to find the funds 
The sabertooth will be fine. Just be careful with more voltage you don’t want to burn out your motor/batteries/sabertooth.