We have just added the Johnny 5 kit to the webstore!

Well it took about a month longer than planned, but it’s finally here. The very first kit version of everyone’s favorite movie robot, Johnny 5!

Johnny 5 is Alive!

Check it out! :smiley:



Really nice kit. :slight_smile:

FYI, in the combo you list the robot hands twice, and it’s slightly wierd that the torso and base kit includes itself.

Does it include servos? If so, which type? I get the impression that it does, but they are not listed.

Thanks! I’ve fixed the robot hands typo in the combo - it was supposed to be changed to the Sequencer. Copy+paste error… :blush:

The reason the torso and base kit includes itself is because this kit is a combination of several kit bags. When the order is packed, the shipping department goes by this list in order to pick up all the items in the kit. So, I have to include all the bits they have to grab to make the complete kit. Sorry for any weirdness inherent to the system, but that’s the way it has to be. Remember - there’s a method to our madness. :wink:

Yes, servos are included. I’ll add them into the information, but it may not be today.

The kit includes:
o 8 x HS-645
o 3 x HS-475
o 3 x HS-422