Waveshare UGV02 motor not working

I have the Waveshare 6x4 UGV02 which I bought on Robotshop about a month ago.
It is being used in a live performance as a remote controlled vehicle.
I have been testing it and using it daily for the past two weeks, using the built-in wifi and web page of the ESP32 to drive the UGV. It has been operating smoothlly, carrying a payload of about 6 lbs over a concrete surface.
Two days ago, the UGV stopped moving suddenly.
It still has power, Wifi still works, onboard OLED monitor is on, feedback data is coming back over the web page, but no motor control commands are working.
Power level is where it should be, 12V.
I looked inside and all cabling connections look ok.
I tried controlling over USB using the Arduino patches provided at the Waveshare wiki, which was a mess - a lot of steps not included in the tutorials but eventually I got the motor control demo uploaded, which should have turned the motor on, but nothing.
I would really love to get to the bottom of what went wrong, either to fix the problem or to know what to avoid in case I have to buy a new one.


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Hi @martingupta and welcome to our forum.

We will transfer this topic to our internal support so we can connect you with Waveshare support for troubleshooting.

You should receive an email in a couple of minutes.

Thank you.