Want to be the voice of LMR?

Updated: 2012-04-22:

I've been 'voice' behind LMR's Twitter account since June 2011. I think it is time for others to add their voices.

This post was originally intended to keep the LMR Twitter content going while I was away on a two week vacation. GeneralGeek and BotFIN did an admirable job of covering for me, and my thanks goes out to them.

However, it seems to me that the spirit of LMR is in many people sharing their ideas, so I am going to leave the LMR Twitter account set up so that you can use it too. Would you like to add your voice to the LMR Twitter feed?

If you are interested, check the requrements below, and then follow the easy instructions that follow.


  • You must be responsible.
  • You must stay on topic (robot related stuff)
  • You should be representing LMR, and not just tweeting stuff about yourself.
  • Follow Wheaton's Law - We've built up a bunch of followers, let's not lose 'em, OK?



To get your tweet re-tweeted by LMR, simply begin your tweet with '@letsmakerobots' (without the quotes). Within 5 minutes, your tweet should be reposted from the LMR Twitter account. It'll come out looking like this:



Pretty simple. Get tweeting!

Since my limited time (I am

Since my limited time (I am not very productive in my social networks) and the reason that Twitter is blocked in China I am not able to help.

Sorry IG but you have to stay at home or take your internet connection including a notebook PC :slight_smile: I am just kidding ;-)))

If no one else wants to

If no one else wants to help, I will do the job. I remember that we have done some tests to make cross postings from G+ to Flickr possible. Needs some additional fine tuning but it should work.

; j

; j

Thanks, RobotFreak. If no

Thanks, RobotFreak. If no one else steps up, you got it. 

However, you’re already doing a great job on the G+ page for LMR, and I’d be happy to give someone else a shot if they are interested.

: D
Tweeting = fun, but i’m too young for this job.

Perhaps in a few years you

Perhaps in a few years you will be the new voice of LMR. ; j

Maybe in somewhere :open_mouth:

Maybe in somewhere :open_mouth:

I’d be willing to do it as

I’d be willing to do it as well, as long as nobody else has a burning desire,

Why don’t you get some

Why don’t you get some practice tweets going on your own Twitter account? I’ll follow along and see how you do. Just follow the guidelines I posted and you should do fine.

Then maybe i can do it! I am as old as he.

Per our shoutbox

Per our shoutbox conversation, I’ll keep an eye on your tweets for a few days. Show me what you can do.

Per our shout box

Per our shout box conversation, send me a PM with your Twitter profile link, and I’ll follow your tweets for a few days.

Alright, no problem.

Alright, no problem.

GeneralGeek (@NoahMoroze on

GeneralGeek (@NoahMoroze on Twitter) and BotFIN (@BotFIN) have been tweeting for LMR via their own accounts, while I have retweeted their messages.

They’re doing a very nice job so far. If you follow us on Twitter, be sure to give them your encouragement and constructive feedback.

How to tweet for LMR

GeneralGeek and BotFIN have been doing a fine job of tweeting for LMR. I came up with a way to automatically retweet their tweets as LMR on Twitter. Actually anyone can do it. 

I’m going to leave this mechanism in place for a few weeks at least, and see how it goes. If no one abuses it, I may just leave it live permanently.

To get your tweet re-tweeted by LMR, simply begin your tweet with ‘@letsmakerobots’ (without the quotes). Within 5 minutes, your tweet should be reposted from the LMR Twitter account. It’ll come out looking like this:



Without taking anything away from the fine job BotFIN and GeneralGeek are doing, I open the deal up to anyone who wants to use it. I hope they will both keep up the great work they've been doingn.

Happy tweeting!


I just wanted to publicly

I just wanted to publicly thank GeneralGeek and BotFIN for all the fine tweets they sent while I was away. 

Thank you both for keeping LMR’s Twitter content going. Great job, both of you. 

On a releated note, LMR just reached 1,000 Twitter followers, which is a milestone I am very happy to reach!

I am going to leave the LMR Twitter account set up so that anyone can tweet as LMR by starting their message with ‘@letsmakerobots’ (without the quotes). I think it would be great to see content from other LMR members shared via the LMR account!