wannabe Wall-e

here is an autonomous robot that has a plc as brain and an IR sensor with relay output.When the sensor detects an object, it will turn away from the object.
I have been very inspired by Frits robot with the yellow wheels.
I use a speed controller from velleman electronics to control the speed of the 2 gearmotors, and the servomotor is without electronics I control it with af relay and the potentiometer in the servo goes to an input on the plc, so the robot knows where the sensor is and which way it must turn.
The sensor turns from side to side and stops when it detects an object and starts again when there is no object
Update 10/4/2009
finaly Easter and more freetime to play with my robot. I added a new video and some
I added a motorcontrol to the pwm motorcontroller so that the robot starts slowly and stops slowly ( the 3 last pictures) watch video
Update: 12/4 2009
Found this inside a old computermouse 3 encoders and some switches

Navigate arround via ir

  • Actuators / output devices: 2*12v gearmotor 50:1 And 1 modifide servomotor
  • Control method: automomous
  • CPU: Siemens LOGO PLC
  • Operating system: Windows XP Pro
  • Power source: 12v main, 2.5v for servomotor.
  • Programming language: LOGO SOFT COMFORT
  • Sensors / input devices: ir sensor relay output
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/wannabe-wall-e

Cool treads. want video!
Cool treads. want video!

me likey treads
where did you get those parts? that looks COOOL. 50/1 at 12v, is that way fast?

Is that the Lynxmotion "Johnny 5" base? Could I trouble you for some measurements if it is? Looking forward to video!

yes it is the Johnny nr.5

yes it is the Johnny nr.5 base, the measurements is :Approx. Dimensions:250L x 280W x 130Hmm.

I bought it from Active Robots here is a link and you kan also see an video on this page.


I bought it from Active

I bought it from Active Robots here is a link and you kan also see an video on this page.


I don’t konw how fast it runs i have only testet the robot on my table so far, but thats why i added a speedcontroller (pwm) if it runs to fast

thanks I also like your
thanks I also like your Edward

Thanks but i will pas on the
Thanks but i will pas on the mini gun :wink:

Wow! 250 long!
Thats over 20 feet! That’s HUGE!!

Milimeter Milimeter!!! it is
Milimeter Milimeter!!! it is 25cm or 10 inch

i want video… treads are

i want video…

treads are awesome

johny number 5
that’s funny. the very first thing that came into my mind was “those treads look exactly like number johny five” (said with a horribly bad indian accent)

incredibly expensive
incredibly expensive treads… probably 90% of the overal cost?

It looks very speedy. nice vid.

i know it has been said but
i know it has been said but i will say it again, COOL TRACKS !!! too bad they are WAY out of my price range.

Lynx Tri-Tracks

Lynxmotion TriTracks are $221. Expensive, but not that expensive.


Oops, just saw that the base was purchased from Active Robots for £219 or $309. Exchange rates and shipping are a pain.

yes they are expensive, but

yes they are expensive, but it was just right for my project, and its a strong kit its able to carry approx.2,2kg. you can buy it from Lynxmotion for 221 usd or Search the Web. Active robots was the cheapest for me.
I found this http://www.lynxmotion.com/Category.aspx?CategoryID=120

wow. dreamy…

wow. dreamy…


wish i had one of those cool looking threads

Nice gear, bro! Robot looks

Nice gear, bro!

Robot looks promising!

I am pretty sure that you will need to move that scanning head WAY faster if you are to ensure it does not run in to stuff at full speed! :slight_smile:

Hey - someone clever should make up a formula for that - rik? Speed of head needed for speed of forward motion…

I have actually thought

I have actually thought about the speed of the scanning head,but i will test it an then speed it up if necesary.

The scantime is right now 4 sek. and the motor runs at the slowest possible at 1,2V from an regulator (LM317) similar to an 7805 regulator but it can be adjusted from 1,2V - 35V and 1,5A (nice littel fellow)