Walter 1.4

nice head design. is it
nice head design. is it homemade? because the eyes look sorta look like eve the hoverbot’s eye

the walter bot maybe ur
the walter bot maybe ur first big robot only 8 inches smaller than wall-e lol

Lookin good
I really like the look of the new remote! Lookin Good!

Noisey Sharp sensors.

Hi Chris,

GREAT UPDATE! Looks like Bondo has very little fear of robots. So much for your robots plans for world domination! :slight_smile: My dogs on the other hand, tend to get as far away from any moving robot as they can… I like the little nods and head movements, gives Walter some “life”. In the right circumstance, one could even describe it as “creepy”.

I’ve run across the noise problem with Sharp sensors as well. As you may have guessed, it is due to a surge current when the sensor transmits the IR “burst” to determine range, which causes a ripple on the logic power supply rail. Several things you might try: One that works for me - is to put a 220uF capacitor directly across the power connections to the sensor, just as physically close to the sensor as practical (if that doesn’t work, you could try an even larger value cap). Another approach might be to put the sensors on their own power source, just be sure to tie the sensor ground to your logic ground so the microcontroller is happy! Then of course another approach is what you already did, switch the sensors off when you don’t need range data…

**Abosulutely **
Amazing, the build quality and attention to detail is spot on. Walter is the robot that brought me to lmr. I really look forward to his next step in lfe!

Walter definitily becomes

Walter definitily becomes one of my favorite. With its moving head it looks to me like a curious child in a toy shop.

Well done CTC. Good job.

6 minutes of smiling,

6 minutes of smiling, watching, needing words, just smiliong :smiley: And still just smiling, need words!

"Cool" just doesnt do it :smiley:

One comment though; Add a speaker, and throw in a few beeps to accomplish the head / personality; 10 minutes solder, 10 minutes programming, extremely much more contact; Beep when IR on, Beep when obstacle in front and to both sides, beep when turned on etc…

How can any of our projects ever top this one in the category?

Only one word…


Realy like Walter head and the way it moves. Your job with Walter realy inspire my to continue with my projects and to improve them. Looking to see a lot more of Walter!


Wow, Thanks Guys!

Thanks for all the good comments, folks I really appreciate it but (and this sounds silly) I couldn’t do it without you guys! --Really, I think EVERY sub-system on Walter has a correspoding “how do I do this” post somewhere on this site.

Now, I don’t want to toot my own horn, but there is so much more to come! I have a lot of refining on the head moves… As of now, they are really just a random collection of individual moves, I am cleaning up the code to exactly sync the drive motions with the head moves. I am also working on Walter’s little “IR beacon finder” on the top of his head. So far I have had some great success with it finding a “beacon” --just need to sync the drive system to drive toward 12:00… Yup, Oddbot… I am getting closer and closer to the holy grail: A robot that will go get you a beer -seriously.

I just finished painting my wheels last night and got my wheel encoders installed. Looks like I have a few days of code-play ahead but it should lead to some very cool body moves during “stuck in a corner” and the like.


I am also installing some pop-up "whiskers" -the idea being I might be able to actually let walter loose in the house (free-range, without a fence) with these "whiskers" catching anything the sonar and Sharps miss. Is it just me or is it impossible to code or add enough sensors for a robot to actually see and drive around chair legs?!?! One more, I picked up a PIR sensor as well, I might even get to the point where I can leave Walter on all the time and start himself up only when moving people are around!


Oh yeah, Frits... I didn't forget about the sound, yo. I though about a speak-jet for a while but decided I think a R2-D2 style non-speaking robot can actually be a lot more person-like! I have the LM386 amp already soldered, the installation and code is just a little futher down the list...


Pure awesomeness.
I’ve been checking out Walter since before I signed up here on LMR and I’ve been watching him progress and it’s really inspired me, knowing that with enough hard work and practice, even I can make a robot as good as walter :wink: Good luck with Walter!



Im a beginner in this kind of hobby.

i choose Society of Robots Axon Microcontroller for use.

How this microcontroller work with stepper motors. What stepper motor controller working with Axon Microcontroller?




walter is excelent Chris

ive been following him since i joined the site and am in awe


Slammin’ Project

Job well done!! Who said you weren’t an electronics guy lol