Wall-e Toy Modified

It's been along time since project Wall-e, but now he is being re-vamped with DJ Sures Easy-Robot module, awesome.

You can get it at http://www.ez-robot.com


My Robot is a Wall-e Toy, i got the idea from DJSURES (Thankyou for that)

I took apart the wall-e toy, extracted the voice eprom so i could use it. Added two arm servos, two continuos rotation drive train servos, 1 neck servo, and 1 head tilt servo. Also two IR distance sensors.

This project has been very, very fun.

I would highly recommend the $35.00 wall-e push toy, for surgery. 
















This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/wall-e-toy-modified

very cool

do you have the cool tracks?

an idea: you could put solenoids in the arms.

Had any luck
with making him move yet?

First things first

Edgee has already asked about the first step, does it move ? The best thing to do is try to get the motors to turn and just get the robot to drive forward, turn, spin, go backwards. The second step would be to read the sensors and report the values, then put an object in front of the sensors and see how the reported values change. Write a short program that simply tilts the head up, down, right, left. As you write these small subroutines, save them all, you can start to combine them later to get the robot to move around on it’s own and react to it’'s environment.

Wall-e Project


I have made him move.

I have quite a bit of code already but i am still trying to figure out how to piece together bits of other code.

I do have the cool tracks for him, Calculon320.


Wall-e Project

Thanks to RascalRobot for that advise.

Wall-e Project

Hi again Edgee, i do have him moving with a program i found called serb, thought i would try it. It’s cool. But i will start writing my own routines and piecing them togehter, i am just still trying to figure were to place the routines, it’s coming.

Thanks Edgee

Wall-e is Complete , just no proper code yet
I would like him to wander around autonomously, exporing. But maybe when i learn how to code properly i will get him to do that.

looking at the Code

Hey Tbent,

do you have a diagram of how you have wired up the sensors? I am trying to “reverse engineer” the circuit from the code but I am not sure about things like bias resistors and it is a little hard to see from the photos.

I am working on a subsumption library for the Ardunio, it’s a bit stalled because I am overseas at the moment.

all the best


Wiring for sensors

I have the two sharpe i/r sensors hooked up, just simply power and ground to each one, then the blue wire (Vout) to the analog input pins #0 , and #1 on the arduino board.


Thankyou very much for looking at the code.



Peering at the code

Hi Tbent,

quick question, you are outputting the value of the forward Sharp IR to the serial port, what values are you seeing?

Do you get a increase in value as you move say a peice of paper closer to the detector? once you get to about 8cm the value will start dropping again due to the geometery of the detector.

all the best


It is just cool!!!
It is just cool!!!

Hello Tbent, I have been

Hello Tbent,

I have been looking at your code, I have identified a few things you should check, (I will do more over the weekend, I have just got home and have not slept in 20 hours so I need some rack time).

Firstly the mail look

You do two comparisions

if (distance < dmintemp) and if (distance < dmintemp)

both these are true the first time through and the net result is

dmaxtemp = dmintemp = distance; now = 50
dAngleMaxTemp = dAngleMinTemp = ArmAngle;

I could not find anywhere where you set ArmAngle to any value (uninitialized)

I will look some more on the weekend

all the best


My code that i found and modified, Wall-e jitters with this code

Nice Wall-e


 Nice looking wall-e.

 I’ll start posting my code on my site soon. But I’m using a PIXAXE, not an arduino, similar.

 Do you just have the one sensor on the bottom? I have the same Sharp sensor, couldn’t find a place for it so I attached it around Wall-e’s neck. Not the best ,but at least I can get distance measurements from left, centre and right directions.



** I see now from your**


 I see now from your pictures that you have a sensor around the neck also. Do the two sensors conflict with each other?

Sensors on Wall-e

No the sensors operate independentley, no problems. But like i was saying i have very basic coding.


It’s been awhile but wall-e project is about to get revamped. I am excited !