Wall-e - push-toy conversion

Oh god, my Wall-e toy

Oh god, my Wall-e toy arrived yesterday (with Eve :wink: ) but it’s half the size.

I will measure it but it looks like the cube is around 6 cm square. Time to learn swrambots or tinyduino :slight_smile:

Here it isThe cube is even

Here it is


The cube is even smaller : 5x5x5 cm!

I really have to learn small controller and mtor driver :slight_smile:

Others pictures

Oh my days!
That is a tad small!
A Nano and some microservos are the way I’d go :smiley:

Thanks buddy!
Cheers man, I appreciate your help! I had collected your bot with views of implementing something similar using a RPi and such in Project number two, but may try and push this little project a tad further first :slight_smile: Will definitely pick your brains when it comes to Javascript; tis something I havent even got a basic understanding of. Thank you!

I can point you in the right

I can point you in the right direction when you’re ready, just let me know!

Definitely interesting in sharing code and techniques when you attempt Project #2, keep in touch!

I appreciate that mate.

I'm off work this week, but when I go back I have my Raspberry Pi, arduino (mega/uno/nano to choose from) motor shield or motor driver board, plus one of those little wifi router/hotspot/extender things to experiment witn. I can't wait! Also going to keep working in Wall-e too - this little lunchbreak hobby is bloody addictive!

The Batteries have arrived!

So, i have returned to work to find the batteries have arrived :slight_smile:

Not quite the AA sizing as promised (they are a fair bit bigger!), but they are here!

They are UltraFire TR 18650, 5000mAh 3.7v Li-ions, however i will be doing some testing to see exactly what i get from them.


Next step is to work out how and where to fit these larger sized batteries, and then also add a recharging circuit to allow the batteries to be recharged without removing them (which will be a godsend as i’m thinking they are going to have to go under the arduino!).

I was also contemplating to regulate the power down to 12v from 14.4v too.

Busy, busy, busy!

Another tidy up
While I remain in a state of ponder regarding power options I have decided to tidy up the excess of wires within Wall-e. The LEDs, sound triggers, bluetooth etc had all been soldered directly to the motor shield.

To remedy this female headers have been added to the shield, and I have attached male headers to the underside of a perf board I had. The bluetooth module and some headers for connecting the other wires have been added.
This has removed a LOT of wiring and made the composition of the internals a lot easier.
BOOM! Pics to follow :slight_smile: