walking gaits.

I've been building the body of a poppy 3d printed robot to use as my biped Plat form but I'm having trouble grasping the equations for dynamic motion. Essentially I understand it to be a 2 in part; a double pendulum connected at a single point with control using a single inverted pendulum model, then switches over to the other leg and continues the set up. Granted I need to do a lot more programming tutorials to further my understanding but I know I'm going to need a ton of help. Would placing an accellerometer/gyroscope in each foot and one in the head make the system compute better. Sorry for not having the eguation posted I've misplaced that link at the moment.

Thanks in advance.

I can picture one IMU
I can picture one IMU helping at the mid body and one in the head. Perhaps Accelerometers at the feet can tell you if the feet suddenly bumped into something, but there are other ways to do that.

I have built a humanoid so I can’t say which algorithms are better for walking. One thing you need for dynamic motion is fast, relatively powerful motors. Static walking where the CoG is always over one foot or the other can use slower, less powerful motors, but dynamic walkers may have to move faster.

You can think of dynamic movement sort of like a controlled fall for parts of it (or as the movie Toy Story says it: Falling with Style).

Good luck and happy building!

Dynamic bipedal walking is a
Dynamic bipedal walking is a very hard subject, and even though we do have the equations, we can’t solve them in the closed form. Instead, you have to rely on simplifications and approximate solutions using iterative numeric methods – which requires a lot of computation power.

If you want to learn the details, I really recommend this MIT course: https://www.edx.org/course/underactuated-robotics-mitx-6-832x