Voice regconition box utility droid (like r2d2)

this robot going to have all kinds of gadgets and doors that can open on cammand. they will have stuff like: robotic arm, shocker,usb,port,dart shooter,lights, saw, lighter! he will roam and be controled mainly through voice. his head isnt on yet but its gonna be a similar box, but way smallar.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/voice-regconition-box-utility-droid-like-r2d2

techset on youtube! This is

techset on youtube! This is the template, its going to be somewhat based on for the doors that open!

techset on youtube!il

techset on youtube!

il probally spray paint it but im not sure if it sticks to plastic that well? you guys give me some advise. thnx

techset on youtube! id love

techset on youtube!


id love to hear your advise what do you think i should add?

techset on youtube! you can

techset on youtube!


you can see my template on the ground in the backround


More info!

More description, more pictures, and, if you have, some video would be good.