Vibration Frequency curve for vibration motors

I just ordered RB-See-403 and RB-Plx-314. These are both vibration modules - one pancake style and the other cylindrical.
I’ve gone through the data sheets but can’t find any vibration frequency curves for them.
What frequency range can these operate at and what voltage do I need?
I’m specifically looking for 100 Hz but don’t see any of this listed.
Here’s what I’m looking for:
This product from Precision Micro Drives looks very similar to RB-Plx-314 but I want to make sure I can get the frequency I need out of it.

Do you have any of that information available for your vibration modules?

Thank you,


Hello @fourvee_fam,

Welcome to RobotShop community.

Unfortunately, both of these two vibration motors have a frequency between 10 and 55hz.

Here are their datasheets for more information:

1020_datasheet.doc (333.7 KB)

Let us know if you have further questions.


Hi Ebram,
Thank you for the quick reply.
I did see the PDF you linked to and I noticed the testing parameters showed 10-55 Hz. It wasn’t clear to me if that was the frequency range or just the frequency the testing had been performed at.

Do you have any modules or motors that are capable of 100 Hz?
I need something small like those items I ordered.

Thank you,


Hello @fourvee_fam,

Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately, all the other options we have at the moment are under the required frequency.


OK, thanks for confirming.

You are welcome, let us know if there’s anything else we could help you with.

Take care.