Hey everyone,
I am pretty new to robotics and I’m wanting to get some help with a project. I am basically wanting to create a ‘haptic glove’ which will consist of haptic discs on the fingers, all connected to a battery pack on the wrist.
I will be using vibrating disc motors.
my questions are:
- how do I extend the blue/red wire so it’s longer, is there an extension I can attach?
-what battery can i use?
-how to i attach multiple wires to one battery, and can i do this?
-there will be 5 vibrating disc motors each with one red and one blue wire, attached to a battery.
i hope this is clear enough, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction
Hello @kwood1998 and welcome to the forum,
how do I extend the blue/red wire so it’s longer, is there an extension I can attach?
Yes, you could simply use jumper wires and shrink tubes but you can find lots of other options in the Cables, Wires & Connectors section of the store.
what battery can i use?
Depends on the nominal voltage of the motors you use, but I suggest checking this guide for more details:
how to i attach multiple wires to one battery, and can i do this?
Yes, you can do it, simply connect your motors in parallel. If you are not familiar with this concept I suggest checking this video:
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Hey everyone!
I am looking at doing a project which would involve 5 haptic disc vibrating motors, and i am wondering if it would be possible to use the vibrations made when touching these discs and converting them to a small LED bulb for each one separately. so when one is pressed, a light lights up?
basically there will be a disc on the end of each finger, so when the finger comes into contact with it and its pressed, a light will light up, i hope that makes sense, id also need to attach them to a battery, including the lights, but i want a disc and a light for each finger. its hard to explain but i hope someone can pick apart what i mean!
general question is: how on earth do i do this? i don’t have a lot of knowledge on robotics
and i am wondering if it would be possible to use the vibrations made when touching these discs and converting them to a small LED bulb for each one separately. so when one is pressed, a light lights up?
Yes, it is possible but you will need a microcontroller, some sensors (look for capacitive force sensors, touch or flex sensors), and of course some LEDs.
As this is a wearable project I suggest checking this section, especially the Lilypad line is a set of sewable electronic pieces designed to help build interactive e-textile projects. Some interesting projects you may want to check out are:
And you can find more here:
I hope that gives you some ideas