Very New Here with Servo Question

I am starting out new here with Robotics and trying to make a puppet head movement using servos and switches. I have the basic design and movement but wanting to move furthur.  I am using digital servos for the up and down and side movement with a sparkfun servo trigger but i can only get a center to left or center to right movement, not both.  Is there a simple way to control the servo to go from center to left back to center then right and back with a simple switch control.  Its for a shoulder puppet that she wants to control with just with a few swtches she could hide in a puch os fanny pack or something like that? 

Servo Trigger

Three Control Settings:

  • A - sets the position the servo sits in while the switch is open
  • B - sets the position the servo moves to when the switch is closed
  • C - sets the time it takes to get from A to B and back

If you only get centered to -90 degrees, then it’s a settign above. If you get centered to -180 degrees, then the head is placed at the wrong angle on the servo horn. If you want more complex motion, you’ll need a servo recorder / playback, or program a servo controller / microcontroller.



Servo Triggers

  I guess being new at this I am trying to go real simple and real small on these creations of hers.  Lets go at this angle.  I want to connect a servo to the head of her puppet and make it start at the center point which would be looking straight ahead then look down with the push of a button or switch, then back to center then with the push of a button or switch it would look up an then back to looking straight ahead. Am I making any sense on what I am trying to accomplish?  I believe the servos I am using might not be able to accomplish this feat. They are some Tower MG90S that I had laying around and I was using a Servo Trigger on them.

 Any other suggestions wouls be greatly appreciated!