VB Windows Hexapod Control Program based on Xan's Code

This section will be updated from now on with the latest version info and downloads*

**2.0 Beta Released 9/18/09!!!

Robot Setup Screen:

Serial Connection Setup Screen:

Download here:
(Includes Robot Files.zip which contains config files for Phoenix and MSR-01)

Latest full version: 1.2a

Please follow the following link to the latest download:

Version 1.1 no Roborealm support
Setup Guide

Version 1.2a With Roborealm support (all guides are in zip file):


This sounds very interesting! Great work. Do you have any video?

Would be fun to try it one time!

=) No video yet. But I will post some when I get the real interface up and running!

I would be interested in taking a peak at the code. In the process of doing something simliar in Delphi. Have been going round in circles with the Serial link on my app for to long.


Heh, did something like this in ms visual C (2005 express or whatever it is) some many moons ago to read a gamepad w/direct x and send corresponding ssc-32 commands through a lantronix wiport to my rov. it is/was sort of a lazy way to bypass implementing the bap+abb and all the sensors and stuff I have there and at least make it move around. :unamused: sad/dumb part is it was on my other pc and I have not gone back around to re-installing all the compilers and sdk’s on the new one yet. just another thing to add to the round to it list I guess. :slight_smile:

Perfect! I just deconstructed my Scout to make parts for a Phoenix and since I only have an SSC-32 and BlueSMiRF (no microcontroller), this is what I was going to create myself but I’m too lazy and not a great programmer.

Well guys, it is going to be really slick when I’m finished. You will be proud.

I just implimented a new graphical interface based on PaulP’s (hexapod.com) .

Give me some time to test it all. I promise to post regular updates.

Hi, i to have been doing stuff in c#, with no real success, porting accros tills java code.

would love to see your source, when you ready to share.

Will this be only for the phoenix or for any hexapod that lynxmotion has ?

To answer your question, this will be for any hexapod you can create.

Progress update:

I have the graphical user interface implemented. (see pic below)

Still hammering out some details on the IK engine but I’m getting there!

Good news, looking forward to it :smiley:

O.k. here it is…the long awaited (mostly by me :stuck_out_tongue: ) release of the SSC32 control app…

Things to keep in mind!

  1. The variables are all calibrated to my particular hex which is an MSR-01. This app will work for ANY hex running off an ssc-32 but YOU MUST CHANGE ALL THE VARIABLES TO REFLECT YOUR HEX SETUP otherwise you could do serious damage to your robot.

  2. This is a beta version so a few things remain to be tweaked and implemented. As of now, the following functions are working:

Working functions:
Bluetooth connection
Sleep mode/Stand mode
Six-step gait
Off-road and on-road modes
Walk, turn, crab walk, tilt, horizontal shifts, twist, and body height adjustments.

To be implemented:
More than one gait
Setup functions so you can change all the hardware variables through the program instead of having to change them all in the code.

I hope everyone enjoys this app. Let me know if you have any questions or sugestions…


Hi and thanks for the program.
Since I’m new at this, can you please point me in the correct direction and specify which variables need to be changed and how do I go about changing them?
I have a home made hexapod which is looking forward for a breath of life and this program seems like it can do it.

No Problem. I should probably write a guide to setting up the program…or get the setup function implemented sigh

But in the mean time, here is where you start.

When you first open up the program you will see all the intro comments

All the variables for the program that need to be modified for an individual hex are located directly underneath these comments or in the initialization function and should be explained heavily in the code.

That having been said, things that should be modified include:
Leg offsets, servo max and min angles, hex body dimensions, movement limits, and most importantly…initial foot positions!

The rest of the code, other than the variables at the start, does not need to be changed…

Good luck

Hey everybody,

I discovered a little bug in my serial input code that was making movement a little choppy. I updated it and added a little function that saves battery power whent he bluetooth is in use…the link to the download has been updated…enjoy!

So, go download it again!!!

Thought I would post this up here so everyone can see the code in action. Enjoy!


Nice work, keep it up.

Do you care to explain a little about the connection required between the boards (SSC32-bluetooth…e.t.c.) and how to set them up?
Also a small tutor regarding the setup of the parameters would be useful.
Do we need to install VB.net to change the parameters or is there some sort of settings file?
Any information (hardware and software related) on setting up the whole thing would be great.

I was looking for a long time for something like this. Thanks and keep us posted. :wink:

great… i will check the proyect… thanks

what kind uf bluetooth cpnnection do you use?
i search for one. but i doesnt finde a good one.
what u have pay for it?

which brand? company?

is great. the MM Bot is realy nice!

Nice work FlowbotX! Did you tried to include the head already?

Keep us updated!
