Utility box bot voice recoginition (r2d2 like bot)part2

this is the secondpart to my work in progress robot with awesomeutilitys
like robotic arm,saw,usb,etc

i have added the arduino mega that is the big main brain
last tim3 all i had done was the chassis. now i soldered
the motor leads to a l293d chip soldered onto perfboard.
and have conected that arduino mega to the motorcontroller!
Ill upload a new update when the voice regconition module comes in the mail, with in a month hopefully.

will hrlp me on missions and having fun equiped with voicecontrol

  • Operating system: Arduino IDE
  • Programming language: Arduino C

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/utility-box-bot-voice-recoginition-r2d2-like-bot-part2

almost done!

techset on youtube!this robots almost done have to conect voice on and other stuff like huinges and doors cut.

Hi, which voice recognition

Hi, which voice recognition module are you going to use?  I am looking for one right now too.

this one

techset on youtube!
