Using the Trendnet TV-IP110 from something other than a PC

This is a bit of a stretch I suppose but… has anybody seen info or posts about attempting to use the TV-IP110 camera with something other than a PC? It seems very attached to some ActiveX module which obviously isn’t going to work on an ARM or other embedded platform. I see on their website they talk about Linux support / non-support but I’m not sure yet if that really applies to cross-compiled Linux platforms. Anyway I know a lot of folks read a lot wider selection of tech forums than I do these days so I figured I might just as well start by floating the question here. Any ideas/info?

Hi Eddie,

Lnxfergy was using it with an mjpeg decoder running under PyGame last year, I do believe.

If you had enough of an ARM, you could write (or license if you have enough money) an mjpeg decoder - or with enough of an ARM, get linux running on it and port over the suite from ffmpeg. You basically just need to be able to log into the camera’s web server, grab the mpeg stream, and then decode it.

The other option from the camera is jpeg picture push. That’s trivial to handle in just about any processor [that has enough RAM for the frame buffer], but the frame rates are going to be very low (1-3fps typically).

With either option consider where you’re going to put your frame buffer. If you’re talking about something that’s already running an OS, then it has the RAM to deal with the video. If you’re talking something really embedded or rolling your own, then it probably doesn’t and you need to start counting pins. :wink: As an example - I just sent out memory boards to be prototyped for the XMOS XS1-G4 … ga-package ] for the video capture/processing I’ll be doing on it. Even with that chip I’m running short of pins after that.

I thought of push but I doubt there is enough ram to manage that along with other tasks. Things are really not setup to support linux and I rather doubt there is enough horsepower to run a full streaming mjpeg without introducing problems elsewhere.
Just doing some quick reading it certainly seems like Trendnet is using a linux core in their cameras, and bored programmers being what they are it struck me as a pretty obvious and relatively inexpensive toy to fiddle with. Maybe nobody has gotten around to it or if they have didn’t come up with anything interesting enough to post about yet. Still looking though…

Something to the side, has anybody tried using the old parallel port connectix quickcams with a microcontroller?