Using input variables to set servo number and position with SSC-32U

Thanks, Sébastien.

Here are the units I have-- – unfortunately not LSS (RS did not have them in stock). I also do have the DPC-11 Programming Interface for Hitec Programmable Servos. As these are continuous rotation servos and not LSS, not sure best Python approach to use for control. As previously stated, I am using the Raspberry PI 3B+ and the SSC-32U.

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You are all set then!

Typically most continuous rotation servos use 1500 µs as the “neutral” signal. Instead of being the center position (as for typical RC servomotors) this instead indicate “no motion/hold”. Then you increase or decrease the signal you get more speed in the clockwise/counter-clockwise direction proportional to how far you are from the neutral position.

I’m sure you can figure it out with a small amount of experimentation sending various values!

But, without position encoders you may have a hard time figuring out where you are and may even break your arm assembly (going to far in either direction)!

The page you linked says this:

I recommend that you use your DPC-11 to reprogram your servos using that gearbox from continuous mode to something more usable, like a 7-turn mode.
As you can see, that should be doable with those:

Since the gearbox is also 7:1, you’ll end up with a full turn of the gearbox for 7 turns of the servo, which basically means you’ll have the same range as normal except with ~7x the torque! :slight_smile:

By using position mode instead of continuous you’ll be able to figure out the range of motion for each joint and set limits in your code where you don’t go (to not break the joints!).

Thanks Sebastien,

This now works well and I thought you might enjoy seeing the results. Thanks for you help!

And in motion— video (mp4; 115 MB)

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Wow! Cool stuff!!! :smiley:
Thanks for taking the time to show the results! :slight_smile:

Hi Sebastien,

Me again. Now that I have everything working properly, I would like to control both the Raspberry Pi wheel drives and the SSC-32U servo drivers with one controller (like a RC transmitter/rcv with enough channels to control everything) instead of controlling wheels with gamepad and servos with computer (current configuration). I know this can be done but have been unable to find any good information on necessary components, communication interfacing and if this can be done with Python?

Just so you know, he now has lighted eyes and speaks!

Thanks in advance!

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