Use RPI IR sensor with Arduino

I bought a RPI3 camera with two IR sensors but since I gave up on everything Raspberry Pi, I want to use the sensors with Arduino.

Has anyone done this? I could reverse-engineer the units but that would take some time and if it’s already been done…

The devices are RobotShop RB-Wav-09.

I’m not using the camera at this time, just the sensors.

The sensors of the Infrared LED Board for RPi Camera are based on on-board photoresistors to detect the ambient light and a potentiometer to control the ambient light threshold toggling of the infrared LED.
The sensor part of the camera has two pins to power the circuit (VCC and GND) as shown in the attachement and has an operating voltage of 3.3V. Therefore, when the sensor module is powered at 3.3V, the LED will be toggled at a certain ambient light (detected by the photoresistor). You can find a lot of examples online of an IR LED controlled with a photoresistor. Here is an example.