Hello there,
I want to use couple of ATTINY85 instead of an entire Arduino UNO
I was wondering if that was possible? I have 5 ATTINY85's and was wondering if I could use them all together?
I need 10 pins,
5 ATTINY in total has 4 pins I can use so in total I have 20 pins to use.
But how can I attach the ATTINY's to work together?
For 10 pins I can use 3 ATTINY's = 12 pins.
I made this to show what I need.
Bigger image here: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/528/arduino.jpg/
With some creativity
you could limit the number of pins required to 5. 1 pin each for the ENABLEs on the h-bridge, 1 pin per motor to control forward/reverse, and 1 analog pin with your switches connected to resistors so each switch pulls a different resistance. If you selected your resistors properly, you could even detect multiple switches at once.
To use multiple 8 pin uCs you would require some form of communication between them, which would require at least a pair of pins for bi-directional communication.
Just gotta translate from Picaxe…
Mintvelt did something very similar but using Picaxe 08m’s. I am sure there is information you can glean from these:
https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/3548 <–this is probably the one you want
Thank you
Thank you both, I will have a look at the suggestions and see what I can do best.
Thank you
To clarify a bit.
To get the 1 pin per motor direction you would need to put an inverter/NOT gate on each single pin that you use to drive the motor direction. That way, when you put a high on motor 1’s direction pin, you will get a HIGH and a LOW output that can be fed to each of the h-bridge inputs. With a single pin for the ENABLEs, you will be able to drive them with a single PWM pin each.