Upload arduino pro mini without usb/ttl converter

Hi, I haven't an usb/ttl converter. How can I program this arduino pro mini using  arduino 2009?

I tried to remove atmega328 from the arduino 2009 and to connect arduino pro mini in this way:

arduino pro mini                   arduino 2009

GND                                   GND

GND                                   GND

VCC                                   5V

RXD                                   RX

TXD                                    TX

DTR                                    RESET

then I set in the arduino ide the arduino type to "arduino pro or pro mini (5v 16Mhz)w/atmega328".

I connected arduino 2009 to pc via usb and set arduino serial port to "/dev/ttyUSB0".

When I press upload the green led(should be on 13 pin) blinks a bit but the bar stay at about 90% for 5 seconds.

Then the ide show me "avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding" message error.

I tried to change che arduino model in the ide but with similar results, and I tried also without removing the arduino 2009 microcontroller.

On the arduino pro mini there is a red led always on (I think power led) and a green led( I think on 13 pin) wich blinks with a period of about 30 seconds(15 on and 15 off, I think it's a preloaded program)

How can I solve these problems?

Here the front and rear pictures:




I also tried this configuration:
