Up to 70% Off for National Robotics Week! | RobotShop Community

National Robotics Week at RobotShop.com
National Robotics Week (RoboWeek) is organized by iRobot with the support of an Advisory Council, which recognizes robotics technology as a pillar of American innovation, highlights its growing importance in a wide variety of application areas, and emphasizes

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/blog/show/up-to-70-off-for-national-robotics-week

I want to make a simple walking robot

Hi Raj!
We invite you to join our community at https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/ where you’ll find enthusiasts and tutorials to help you along this journey!

@Raj We suggest you to take a look at our How To Make a Robot blog series that will provide you with useful information to get started building your own robot. If you are looking for a walking robot kit, we suggest you to take a look at our Humanoid and Biped Robots category. For example, the 4-DOF Biped Learning Kit for Arduino Nano might interest you.