Sorry, no camera today!
Im not able to upload a picture. But the errormessage reads:
wild_thumper.cpp:2:20: error: IOpins.h: No such file or directory
wild_thumper.cpp:3:23: error: Constants.h: No such file or directory
wild_thumper.cpp: In function ‘void setup()’:
wild_thumper:44: error: ‘S0’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:45: error: ‘S1’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:46: error: ‘S2’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:47: error: ‘S3’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:48: error: ‘S4’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:49: error: ‘S5’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:50: error: ‘S6’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:54: error: ‘DServo0’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:55: error: ‘DServo1’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:56: error: ‘DServo2’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:57: error: ‘DServo3’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:58: error: ‘DServo4’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:59: error: ‘DServo5’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:60: error: ‘DServo6’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:64: error: ‘Charger’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:67: error: ‘Cmode’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:69: error: ‘Brate’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper.cpp: In function ‘void loop()’:
wild_thumper:80: error: ‘Battery’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:81: error: ‘LmotorC’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:82: error: ‘RmotorC’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:88: error: ‘Leftmaxamps’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:90: error: ‘LmotorA’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:91: error: ‘LmotorB’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:95: error: ‘Rightmaxamps’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:97: error: ‘RmotorA’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:98: error: ‘RmotorB’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:102: error: ‘lowvolt’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:113: error: ‘Charger’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:126: error: ‘batvolt’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:128: error: ‘chargetimeout’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:131: error: ‘Charger’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:140: error: ‘Cmode’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:159: error: ‘overloadtime’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:164: error: ‘LmotorA’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:165: error: ‘LmotorB’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:179: error: ‘overloadtime’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:184: error: ‘RmotorA’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:185: error: ‘RmotorB’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:202: error: ‘LmotorA’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:203: error: ‘LmotorB’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:204: error: ‘RmotorA’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:205: error: ‘RmotorB’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper.cpp: In function ‘void RCmode()’:
wild_thumper:219: error: ‘RCleft’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:220: error: ‘RCright’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:226: error: ‘RCdeadband’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:227: error: ‘RCdeadband’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:229: error: ‘Mix’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:248: error: ‘Leftcenter’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:248: error: ‘RCdeadband’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:249: error: ‘Rightcenter’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:249: error: ‘RCdeadband’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:251: error: ‘Leftcenter’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:251: error: ‘scale’ was not declared in this scope
wild_thumper:254: error: ‘Rightcenter’ was not declared in this scope