Unable to upload to Botboarduino

I am unable to upload to the Botboarduino and am getting the avrdude: stk500)recv(): programmer is not responding message (all 10 attempts) and then failing.

I was successfully communicating and uploading and then suddenly after making a small tweak to my code, I was no longer able to upload. In order to make sure it wasn’t the new code, I tried uploading the previous version that I know worked. Same problem. I have even tried to upload the blink sketch, all with the same result.

I have changed com ports on my PC (Windows 11 ). I have reset the board. No luck.

Drivers are installed. The com port recognizes the device as an Arduino Duemilanove on Com9. It was Com8, but as part of my troubleshooting I changed to COM9. Thanks for any help. Perhaps I “bricked” the board. I would expect failure of the pins, not the USB port. I used external power to drive the pins, and yes the the jumpers were set to VS and VS=VL jumper set to not VS=VL. Just eliminating the obvious as much as possible.

Hi caclement

Can you take a good quality picture of your board as it is while testing ?

The first thing to try would be to disconnect everything but the USB cable and set your jumper to USB power.
That way you can try loading your code or any code, I would start by just trying the “Arduino Blink” example.


Make sure you have the right board selected as well, it should be “Arduino Duemilanove or Diecimila” for the BotBoarduino.


Let us know …!

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Hi, Yes I did exactly that. Disconnected everything and tried to download blink. I actually included that in the original problem description. Pictures attached. Also note that I also have an Uno R3, which I can download to with the same com port on same computer, just to eliminate the computer com port as an issue.
I saw some old stuff on YouTube about not only resetting the board, which I have tried but there was a way to clear out any old sketch downloaded for a fresh start. Something about using 1200 baud. Didn’t make sense to me so I didn’t do it. Also saw something about using an old bootloader, but again didn’t have that option and figured to post it here first.

Would still try a different computer and USB port “just in case”.

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While the USB is connected, are you able to measure between 5V and GND on the pin row ?
Where the Digital Pins are connected.

This is to verify if the board gets power.
Alternatively you could power the board with a VIN and place the jumper on EXT to test this.

That type of error is most of the time related to communication error.
COM port / Board Selection / Defective board

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Yes. 5.14 VDC.

On the female header as well, in case that is what you meant.

That’s a good news, at least the ATmega should be powered.
When have you purchased this BotBoarduino ?

Can you tell me more about the driver installed ?
In theory the drivers should not be displayed as “Duemilanove” on the COM port itself in Windows.

Can you verify in “Device Manager”.

Virtual COM Port Driver from FTDI

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Lynxmotion Botboarduino Order1384358…pdf (173.4 KB)

Purchased on November 16 2024. Can’t recall the delivery date, but not used until January 18th. I was using the Arduino R3 last year (needed 8 outputs), and needed more GPIO (24) for the project I am doing now. My plan for the Botboarduino was to combine it with the SSC32U for a humanoid head that was going to require at least 37 Servos. I had a request for a small project that I had a week to turn around and it needed 24 outputs, so I used the Botboardinuo. I used a combination of PWM pins and GPIO to get 24. Before the Comm Port Issue, I was having difficulty with the PWM pins 2-5 (all on the same bank). The code I had written had the outputs of PWM pins 2-5 in the same IF statement as pins 10-13. Pins 2-5 should have been doing exactly the same thing as pins 10-13, but wasn’t. So I swapped to A2 - A5 and made them discrete outputs via pinMode (A2, OUTPUT), etc. That was working. I made a few small tweaks to an IF statement condition, and when I tried to download, I started getting the error. Then I went back to the previous revision of the code and tried to download it. No Joy. Then i tried blink. No joy. So here I am trying to figure out with your help, why I can’t download when everything on the board appears to be functional. I’m really not here to fuss about $32. I’d just like it to work :slight_smile:

I actually only have 2 computers. This one and my Work Laptop, which is owned by my client and they have very strict governance over installation of software. i.e., Requires admin approval which I don’t have and they won’t give me to load the IDE software, so testing my laptop com port on a different arduino was the only thing I could do to demonstrate the Com Port on my computer was functional. Your question did get me to search to see if I had the latest driver, and I do. Unless you have a more recent driver that MS doesn’t. I’d be willing to try it.

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Hi caclement,

I’ve elevated this to a Ticket, you should be receiving emails about it.
Your board seems to be defective, I’m not sure what happened since you still have 5V going through the board.

All the best,

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