Ultrasonic Transducer Transmitter\Reciever



I am trying to make an ultransonic obstacle sensor, I just need to know if the Transmitter and reciever have polarity? And if so how do I tell which is the Cathode and which is the anode?

The transmitter and reciever I have are the following.


I have checked the datasheet but there is no indication of polarity, also tried google but nothing cam back (maybe just me using the incorrect key words)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I would say at a stretch

the lead with the case snuggled up next to it might be the ground lead. It is really just a guess though.


That is pretty much the assumption I have gone with… Thanks.


Thanks for the help my ultrasonic sensor is working… now to build a robot around it :slight_smile:

Hey Micheal, hope you are doing great. I am student assigned a project to design the ultrasonic sensor system and we were given UT1612MPR\UR1612MPR to configure the system. So I have been trying to build the circuits for both the sensors and connect it all together but I am failing. Tried to 40KHz oscillator using the NE555 timer circuit for the transmitter and used the LM358 op amp to configure the circuit for the Receiver and failed also. So I was wondering if you could assist me on how you were able to have your ultrasonic system working … Thank You