first I am not englishman, I live in Slovak, thats sorry for my english
second...I am building a autonomous robot, I have 6WD wild thumper, T'Rex motor controller and arduino (UNO and MEGA and some sensors)
I want a car which will have a sensors to be autonomous, GPS, camera to recognize object and faces, microphone to recognize voice, robotic arm.
I need to know if RASPBERRY PI or UDOO would be better for this project (but for another project too). If someone has some experience or know UDOO and raspberry pi so good I will be thankful for his answer :)
More than the board, make sure to have a comfortable screen, mouse and keyboard to attach.
I used both of them and i love both, with slightly more love about raspberry pi.
Raspberry pi is a minimal board, just slap an arduino to usb, a webcam and wifi dongle and you have a nice budget robot. Then you can upgrade the arduino, use the camera module or add other things. It’s more modular.And it can run on a 5v battery
UDOO has already all packed in. The arduino due inside is really low latency compared to raspberry,hi res camera support, support for touch screens, SATA, android support, voltage regulator, header for a arduino shields.
Programming is Debian in both systems, you can use raspbian on both. UDOO can use android, but is a lot harder to program apps. I’ ve known personally the UDOO team and they helpful and are interested in robotics.
I’d start with a raspberry, or go for a UDOO if i want more compact and have less free time.
do you think that raspberry pi would be good and would handle with processing images - sending video to pc/or smartphone, and processing with sensors and recognize a voice?? because Udoo has better CPU etc…
Can you send me some contact to UDOO team, which you mention? thanks
Have you looked at the Have you looked at the Raspberry Pi 2? It also has a quad core processor. The ODroid-C1 is very similar to the RasPi 2, except that the processor is a bit faster and there are three ADC pins.
As Silux said, the UDOO has faster communications between the built-in Arduinio Due and the main processor.
However, I would just use an ODroid-C1 communicating with an Arduino (or other microcontroller) using one of the many serial options including USB.
Instead of the Arduino Due, you can get a Mini Maple clone on eBay for around $5.00 if you want a powerful microcontroller in a small size.
Unfortunately my UDOO was blitzed by a lightning hit to our house (as well as 2 PCs).