I need this sensor https://www.robotshop.com/eu/en/benewake-tfmini-micro-lidar-module-12-m.html to output an analog AC voltage (any frequency, shape - sware, sine etc.).
It needs a microcontroller, something that I need but unable to complete the task.
So, I'm willing to pay a fee for the complete package.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you,
UART to Analog
As you suspect, it will need some programming.
See section 6.1 regarding the protocol. You will need to program a microcontroller to “understand” this output and convert it to a distance value. Once that distance value is known, it can be mapped to an analog value and output via the microcontroller’s analog pin (assuming it has one). A few additional considerations includes wiring and powering the microcontroller, and ensuring the analog value can be accepted by whatever device you’re planning to connect it to. Unfortunately RobotShop does not offer design / consultation services, so you might want to contact a local university and offer one of their engineering students a small, paid side job to do this for you.
This having been said, there are likely other solutions, but none come to mind at this time.