Two Ultrasonic sensors. would they conflict?

Im thinking of getting some ultrasonic sensors for my platform, to play with. I was thinking i would have one on the chassis, pointing forward for contact detection, and then one on a turret for mapping distances to plan a route.

Would the two get confused by each other?

I guess it would just mean you would need to make sure that they work seperatly, with a percievible delay inbetween using one sensor, then another?

or is it not an issue at all?

I was going to pick up some IR distance sensors of, but they are a tenner each. a Ping sensor can be down at 99p on ebay!

You could be right, they

You could be right, they might well conflict unless they’re a good few inches away from each other at least.

Your delay is a good idea, alternating between the two would work nicely.
There is another option, have it so the turret sensor doesn’t take a reading if it is facing in the same direction as the forwad facing one.

If they’re on slightly different angles from one another they’d be fine.

Two ultrasonic sensors will

Two ultrasonic sensors will definitely interfere with each other.  The problem is that you will just get weird results once in a while and have no idea why even if they are pointed in different directions.

You should definitely alternate the two sensors.  Even pointed in different directions, you may get weird echoes depending on what the sensor is pointing at (angled reflecting surfaces) which will interfere with each other.  


Bill Schreiber

Utrasonic sensors

I guess the answer depends on which unit you have. Those that are continuous would conflict. Those that require a trigger to initiate the pulse are under your control.

Cheap ones are fine though,

Cheap ones are fine though, like the 99p ones Olly is presumably talking about: