TWD (The Walking Dead) quadruped robot

This robot is made out of my wife's hair clips as their legs and some piece of plastic from my son's broken toy car. It use 8 servo motors for the 4 legs, one motor for the neck. Sharp IR sensor is used to scan distance for obstacle avoidance system. It use one 3.7V Lithium Ion battery from my old notebook. It also has a built-in chager/protection circuit for Li-on. The robot can walk in 2 modes; automatic using obstacle avoidance system and bluetooth remote control from android device.

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Would be great to see a main image and additional images?

I’m with Cbenson on that…

I’m with Cbenson on that… Your description sounds intriguing - Inquiring minds want to see… Some photos or a video when you get a chance would be nice.


I third that request!

I third that request!