
Hello, finally I have finished my first robot, I named it "TurtleDuino"  (you'll see why?).



Object Avoidance Robot

  • Actuators / output devices: 3 servos
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: arduino uno
  • Operating system: Arduino
  • Power source: 9V+6V
  • Sensors / input devices: Ping))) Ultra Sound
  • Target environment: indoors mainly

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/turtleduino

This is my new favorite

This is my new favorite robot on LMR!

Thank you

Thank you psychofreaky,

         I’ll like to thank GeneralGeek for letting me use his code that took care of some of my problems with the rear servos. This is my first robot and I had a lot of fun building it. I’m new to Arduino and the whole robotics world,  that’s why I decided to start with a simple Object Avoidance Robot to get familiar with the Arduino Language.

Beautiful design! Love it!

Beautiful design! Love it!

**This is really sweet!!! **

This is really sweet!!!   As mogul said I’d change the front wheels to something less grippy.  But thats being a little picky- what you built is awesome. 

Heh. It’s got to be one of

Heh.  It’s got to be one of the cutest OARs on LMR.

When I was a little kid I

When I was a little kid I had a “hot wheel” of a turtle hotrod that kind of looked like this robot.  -lol

Also I wouldn’t change the wheels, as the squeeky turning gives it even more personality.



Am I right you did made the shells out of pvc bends? This is the robot of the week if you aks me… :smiley: Great personality.

TurtleDuino got accepted in the Arduino’s contest.

Hello, TurtleDuino got accepted in the instructables.com Arduino’s contest. Really good news, so don’t forget to vote for the little guy.

Thank you for all your comments. Yes, omniwheels on the front would be nice. The mohawk makes it look like Marvin The Martian from the Bugs Bunny cartoon. I got the idea after a comment made by Dan M. a couple of days ago. Yes, the head is made of pvc, and the shell is made out of very light alluminum. Go to instructables.com, (Click on Arduino on your left and you’ll see TurtleDuino there) and look at the material list and you’ll see what I used for the head and the shell. DON’T FORGET TO VOTE.

more picture and video

more picture and video please ~~ 

more picture and video

more picture and video please ~~ 


Hello springvirus, If you go to www.instructables.com and search turtleduino there will be a lot of pictures and step by step on how to build the turtleduino.