Turtle challenge entry!

my e-mail is [email protected]

this is my turtle bot that is made of that wonderful yet failing lego!

it goes forward and awoids obsticals at as basiclly as POSSIBLE.

it will see an object less than 20 cm infrount then it will move back turn and then continue.

instead of having a castor wheel i use a touch sensor.

when the souch sensor isnt being touch it waits 2 seconds (so it knows its upside down) then flips itself over.

lets have a look. (its not working so go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRe2C2Q1bpM)


i hope i get those tracks!

hope you enjoy the updated robot.

ive just realised a really bad fact.

my robot doesnt qualify.

its meant to flip itself over. in the vid i flipped it over. it only flips itself back.

so if no one else enters i may have a shot at it? perhaps im still in it?

update #2

ok i ve reamped the robot to your requests frits and i hope you like it.

i also made it so odly shaped that it has only two ways that it can fall, upsidedown or on its feet.

in one of the videos the robot is unable to flip itself over but thats only cos its running on 2 rechargable AAs.

i gave it a little help that was in the third video.

■■■■ smith rechargable bats are great!

  • CPU: NXT
  • Power source: 6xAA
  • Programming language: LEGO NXT BLOCK THINGY
  • Sensors / input devices: touch, ultrasonic

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/turtle-challenge-entry

Nice job. I’m not sure that

Nice job. I’m not sure that it doesn’t qualify though – on the turtle challenge page, it says that your robot has to be able to lay on its back and flip itself over, but I don’t understand that to mean that the robot has to be able to flip itself onto its back. A turtle can’t flip itself onto its back, after all :slight_smile: Of course, Frits is the one to answer that question officially.

The question I’d have is about the fact that its arm is at an angle. What if it gets flipped over in the other direction? Is there a way to make the arm sit flat so that it works no matter which way the robot gets flipped over?


As “official” here, I would

As “official” here, I would like to say 2 things:

A) The challenge is poorly written (sorry) - But I will not re-write it now that we have a contester.

B) There should not be any angle that the robot can lay on, without it flipping back on it’s “feet”.

TCG is right; It is not the point that the robot should tip itself over. The point is that if the robot somehow is turned “upside” or “sideways” or whatever possible… it should always be able to flip onto “navigational” again… And show that it can drive afterwards, navigating :slight_smile:

So… I’d say; This is one very good attempt. If you can show that there is no angle that it can lay on, causing it not to be able to flip back…and if you can show that it navigates after it is back… Then I send you a package :slight_smile:

It looks to me that there are several angles in which it can get stuck, where “the flipper” does not work? Am I right? if not, then show us :slight_smile:

/ Fritsl

well navigation

the navigation is completely different system to the flipper arm thing.

in the video you see while the robot is upside down its wheels are still goin. the navigaiont system is never interupted. which has its advantages. ill get onto that tonight then for you fritsl

there is a flaw.
a flaw i found was that the arm was a strut to hold it in a position that stopped it from being able to get back up. buti am able to easily fix it.
i will have a new video and new… moddified robot. to win the challenge

gratz, simple and working =P

gratz, simple and working =P i like it :slight_smile:

really nice idea of puting the 3rd well as a sensor to know if is upside or not =]

thanx it also
thanx it also came to me because i was to lazy to make a caster wheel. lol =P

i was implementing a
i was implementing a acelerometer in mine =P (i dont have lego NXT to play T_T)

NXT is … ok

its ok

but ut has a lot of set backs in programming. notice how choppy my movements are in vids.

i would like some more sensors and more motor outputs etc. but just not possible with this. =(

well you can integrate lego

well you can integrate lego NXT with more things, like use it to make some part of the calcs, or motion, and use picaxe or arduino for more things

if you don’t have other ways to comunicate betewne platforms, you can always make a led with a LRD (ligth variable resistence) to make them talk… (like turn on or of a ligth you can switch to 1 or 0 a signal, that the other platform will know what it means… just put all inside a black box, and your connection is done…

you mean LDR (Light

you mean LDR (Light dependant resistors) and like have them in a tiny tube thing so they are not affected by outside light.

but would take a lot of programming for the codes.

ups… yap… =P
ups… yap… =P

the main problem of humanity
the main problem of humanity now is programing… we have strong motors, we have nice video cameras, we have nice speekers, gyrascope, acelerometer, sonars, radars, a infinity of sensors, but we don’t know how to program them well… if we do… we can make machins better then people… so we need to bet in programing!!

It sure looks to me like we

It sure looks to me like we have a winner for the turtle-challenge!

Has anyone got any protests?

/ Fritsl

nop, i think this lego

nop, i think this lego turtle its preaty able to turn itself. next one that Nebster will to, will be a tank =P

i think i need to prepare my robots to avoid Nebster’s ones :slight_smile:

if i win i will use the

if i win i will use the tracks to make more interesting robots. such as a tank.

well for me they will be more interesting. =)

if this is for votes,

if this is for votes, fritsl, nevster have my vote to win it. =]


well um. my nxt has served me well. and my mum now has an interest in this site.

thanx guys

Looks like a winner. I wish
Looks like a winner. I wish I was that talented at your age. I was too busy playing with my NES!

Very nice. I agree, looks

Very nice. I agree, looks like a winner. Congrats, Neb.
