Trying to make a baby mobile rotate with appropriate motor, need help


I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering.

I make baby mobiles an I’d like to incorporate the ‘mobility’ part without sacrificing the aesthetic or breaking the bank. I have a few motors online I have found, all with good reviews but differing voltage/rpm amounts. Here is the link:

Obviously, I’ll need it to turn rather slowly and quietly as it is going to be above a crib with a sleeping child inside. Safety is always a concern. My mobiles are all less than two pounds, and I would ideally have them hanging from the ceiling, not an attached arm coming off of the crib. I wonder if it is possible to make a wood based chunk of decor spin, whilst hanging from a (sturdy) string? Any ideas are greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

Yes. It is possible.
Thanks to Isaac Newton the motor and parts above it will attempt to turn the opposite direction, but it should balance out after a few seconds.