Hello, I’m looking for a servomotor controlled by arduino (5-12 volts I guess?) that turns 360° indefinitely in both sens that could pull a force of 300g.
My project basicly consists to make a californian shutter (this kind : https://www.google.com/search?q=store+californien&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiBuqCXz5jgAhULUxUIHc-gDeYQ_AUIDigB&biw=1280&bih=714#imgrc=mUF9D9pHaJxXlM:) from a movement sensor. The sensor sends the message to the arduino which sends the infos to the servomotor.
If I’m not clear just ask. Thank you in advance, Luca
Hey Abou!
Depending on what you what to achieve, you might want to take a look at both smart servo and continuous servo.
Here’s a good article which explain the difference between a smart servo and a regular one:
You will need to calculate the torque required rather than the weight it needs to pull. If you use some kind of pulley, it will reduce the torque needed.