Hello there, haven't asked too much on here lately but I was wondering if anyone could help me out on programming Serial LCD from sparkfun - https://www.robotshop.com/productinfo.aspx?pc=RB-Spa-330&lang=en-US- also found here- http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9393. This is for my 4th step or advancement on my start here robot. I have added a SRF05, LDR, and this LCD which is the last thing that I have yet to figure out so almost there I suppose : ) . I have been reading Chris's old post on this product (https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/4114). I have tried setting frequencies, baud rates, etc. The pin I am using I believe is 0 and I think I have everything set up right. Im using the output pins and everything so unless I have it hooked up wrong I don't know what else could be wrong besides the programing. Bought the thing because I liked the simple three pin hookup- ground, 5V, and signal. If anything my signal could be hooked up wrong pherhaps, I am wondering if the black and yellow wires should be switched-ground and yellow, because I thought ground was on the edge of the output board.... anyhow I can send pics if anyone wants (will try to make the clearest ones as possible).
Here is my hookup to the lcd. (yellow on end, red in middle, and black on the inside of output pins- I thought the black and yellow should be switched but anyhow i get confused easily sometimes when things don't work haha)
My LCD wires MUST and should be correct, yellow in on RX or signal, Red on the V, and the Black on the ground.
Here are a few programs I was going to start with-
setfreq m8
serout 0,T9600_8,("hello")
goto main
setfreq m8
serout 0,T9600_8,("hello")
wait 10
Again this is after I have read others posts so I hope I have some of it close atleast (hope I'm gaining haha). Any programs you know will work or other things of information you think will help please send them this way :) Thanks
P.S. - datasheets on this thing and schematics are on the websites. Thanks and have a nice day