Trouble "talking" with EEPROM via terminal

hello there.

i have troubles when trying EER and EEW commands in terminal.
eeprom chip is AT24C512, as for me seems to be compatible with 24LC256
firmware is 2.04GP when trying to read something from eeprom SSC automatically gives data from internal eeprom of atmega168.
i’ve dropped “startup string” inside via terminal and can read it by issuing EER command with or without external eeprom chip in socket.

EEW command also not working as it should be. if i try to write some data way as documentation suggests, nothing happen. later i can’t read it.

also tried to put EER and EEW commands with - before address - no success, basically EER returns some fake data (at least as for me it looks fake)

eeprom power is ok but i’m wondering about SCL SDA lines which are holds 5V ( have no oscilloscope or logic analyzer)

other functions of SSC seems to be ok, i’m able to steer servos, and macros working ok etc.

i’m out of ideas. please help

other case : I’m interesting to buy visual sequencer, BUT without shipping. only serial number, because shipping something what costs 40$ for 100$ doesn’t make really sense for me if i can download version 1.16 from website. I’ve dropped an email to [email protected] 11 days ago, and have no answer :frowning:

It would help to know what command you actually typed in. I believe the - character is still needed in front of addresses. Like:
EER -256;8

details of these commands up on: … htm#eeweer

As for SEQ, will have to wait for the Lynxmotion people to come back from their winter holiday. They should be back tomorrow :slight_smile:


well sequencer manual says following:
“NOTE: The current firmware version (SSC32-V2.01GP) requires a ‘-’ character before the address in EEPROM read and write
commands. If this character is omitted, the EEPROM access will be performed on internal EEPROM of the ATMega168 processor.
Future firmware versions will not require the ‘-’ character for external EEPROM access.”

since i’m using 2.04 there should be no - before command.

as for example i think it’s better to put screenshot. for below EEPROM chip in in socket

even though if there should be a - before address on the last commands we see there no data written in eeprom

PS tried to upload 2.01 and use EEW command with - before address, no success…:frowning:

any ideas? may be kind of fusebit on atmega or something

We were on holiday vacation, so that’s why you haven’t received a response to your email. Sorry about that! I’m sending out a reply today.

Snailkeeper, no worries, everybody should have some time to rest.

main thing for me now is that eeprom trouble, i’m stuck in a place, and internal mega168 eeprom is definitely not enough for hexapod sequences :frowning:

I forgot to mention the obvious. The EER command returns binary data. So for the most part it won’t display like anything meaningful in SSCTERM…

From the manual:



  1. if SSCterm ignores binary data how i was able to read startup string doing EER command?
  2. and still there is other case EER works with internal eeprom, or seems to be the “-” before address still not removed and SSCterm just ignores binary and thats why i’m receiving not all bytes or nothing at all.

but those two excluding each other, quite confusing for me

  1. Startup string is probably a set of ASCII characters, so it will display just fine.

  2. I always use the -, it may not be necessary in future releases, but should work.
    The terminal program probably does not display junk (non-ASCII printable characters)

You can always experiment. That is if you do something like:
EEW -10,48,49,50,13
Than if you do a command: EER -10;4
You should probably display an ASCII string of 012 followed by a cr…


Kurt, you just gave me perfect idea

i just have turned on device monitoring studio and check what is coming from eeprom

  1. you’r right there are bytes in decimal format written previously.
  2. SSCterm cuts non ASCII data
  3. “-” steel required before address to talk with external eeprom


  1. problem with eeprom seems to be not exist
  2. manual for SSC sequencer is not up to date :frowning:

We can change this…

Future firmware versions will not require the ‘-’ character for external EEPROM access."

To this…

Future firmware versions may not require the ‘-’ character for external EEPROM access."

lol :slight_smile:
i think it’s good idea to review it anyway for future use and to avoid confusion.

anyway problem seems to be solved and i want to thank everybody (Kurt especially)