Hello all, this is my first post on these forums but I wanted to say thank you for all the great information here. My ramp up into understanding the Phoenix code was made possible to all the great posts on this forum. I’m currently using Kurt’s Phoenix port over to the Arduino and as it’s a common occurrence on these forums, Kurt has been great in answering any question I have had. I’ve learned a ton from all of you…represented by the thirty plus bookmarks I have saved from these forums. Here is a video of my current progress on my modified PhantomX.
I’ve increased the compliance slope of the servos to smooth out the remaining jitter due to the speed of the AX-18s. Tibia is reworked so there is less weight on that segment, Femur has the most weight now. Tweaks to the default angles of the legs as well.
This test has balance mode turned on… It makes the gait more interesting in my opinion.
Thank you Jonny! The credit goes to you guys. Though Zenta’s T-hex and Kurt’s amazing port of the phoenix code to C made it possible.
Most of my changes / improvements have been in the controlling of the Bioloid servos smoothly. The AX models struggle with tiny angle changes which the tarsus segments sadly showcases. They have a tendency to jitter when the angle difference is only a few degrees. Increasing the compliance slope has helped as well as just increasing the travel distance by default. The slight slip you see in the foot contact when it steps forward is just because the foot pads have worn down from all the testing… They have just lost their grip. I have a 3 degree of freedom turret going on next. I’ve added a compensation to the turret that negates the bodyFK.rotates. For no real reason other than to say “Well that looks neat…” I’ll post a video when it’s finished.
I really like what you have done here; its motion is very interesting. I notice when it is circling that the three lifted feet touch down with a ripple effect rather than simultaneously. Is this intentional? If so, why? Please do not take these questions as a criticism. I ask so that I may learn more about why to do things. I do not know enough to criticize.
I think in that video I’m using gait three, “triple tripod 16 steps”… in the Phoenix code. Not sure why I chose it other than it’s less robotic than the others. I think Zenta came up with it a few years ago.