Triple Axis Magnetometer HMC5883 control robot

Triple Axis Magnetometer - HMC5883 Using Arduino Nano V3 plate infrared LEDs built a data transmission device, which is controlled using a PC terminal programs WinLIRC and a Bluetooth module and is driven by four fundamental direction of the robot directly. It looks a little complicated, but they were only given the opportunity to do. The direct control buttons or joysticks can be based. The robot now uses a controller that can be transferred safely objects, or even ourselves can we strengthen. It is by our movement, or the movement of the object takes over and moves in this direction. The soul of a sensor that tiles as the HMC5883 IC type on it. The communication I2C (TWI) channels implemented in the Arduino. The importance that this type of relationship characterized by the implementation of the two-wire control. In the following figure is the IR LEDs and comes from a WinLIRC receiver through which a Bluetooth controlled by a PC terminal program our robot. the arrangement I had to because it was given control of the PC and the rest to be designed. It could also make a Bluretooth the Arduino controlled via the robot, but failing this, this is the only way I could solve. I taped a plastic ruler and I moved it to the sensor.

Joypad keypad and Arduino controlled robot.


Keypad controlled by the Arduino software on to your PC via Bluetooth WinLIRC Post robots.


Arduino IR transmitter and receiver WinLIRC.


Moving HMC5883 three-axis sensor, thereby directing the robot.


Arduino and IR transmitter.

IR transmitter and receiver units.


Arduino MINI V3, Bluetooth, Infra LED, Key & Joypad controled robot.

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