LiPo batt and charger…
27$ charger
± 12$ batt
Yeah, that’s about what I figured. Hadn’t really priced the motors and props.
It’s the
“Controller (anywhere between 50 and 1400)”
that gets ya!
Alan KM6VV
In fact…
You already have a arduino board ?
You have a IMU you said ?
Which sensor are on your IMU and what is the signal ?
You would only need a IMU or just the sensor needed to fly. Hook them to your arduino board. and “Voila”
Or buy a shield (like mine) and solder a arduino pro mini on it (also i have them) and the sensor you need…
I have Arduino UNO boards, and a Razer 9DOF IMU from Sparkfun. Also GPS.
I’ve hooked up the GPS, and some individual accelerometers in the past.
the Razer IMU has a '368 on it, as I recall. Need to start talking to that . And there is some code already available for it. But I don’t think it’s directly for flying.
With the '368 on the IMU, I don’t think the Arduino is really needed. Just probably a break out board like you’ve made.
ITG-3200 (triple-axis gyro), ADXL345 (triple-axis accelerometer), and HMC5883L (triple-axis magnetometer).
I think I’ve got all the controller stuff!
Motors and ESCs would seem to be what’s next.
I have some “medical instrument” quality aluminum (?) 1/4" tubing x 18" long that might work nice for the booms.
I have 3Cell LiPo 2200 mAH batteries.
Alan KM6VV
Wow… that’s exacly the sensor you need for Multiwii…
Need to know if you can connect to the i2c bus direcly without going thru the processor…
The IMU i use and sell use the same sensor.
- ADXL345 Accelerometer
- ITG-3200 Gyroscope
- HMC5883L Magnetometer
But it have that more… - BMP085 Barometer
Here on a board
The schematic shows all three sensors on the I2C bus connected to the '268:
Yeah, so with the uP on board, no need to run I2C off board that I can see.
I do have the barometer chip as well. It would need to be connected in. And I’ll have to make up an ISP cable, no problem.
I like your little board! Probably could have gone with something like that. But Christmas lists have to get in early…
You probably told me before, but what’s your code then? I suspect it could run on the RAZOR. Is that the MultiWii?
Alan KM6VV
Yes … only thing to know is the adress…
Since it’s hard sellected… and need to match multiwii
So why is it called MultiWii? The game stuff?
Downloaded MultiWii_1_9.
I can work out the addressing. You say you are using the same sensors? Great!
Alan KM6VV
At beginning it use Nintendo wii gyro and accelerometer.
it still can but there is more sensor available now.
OK, I get it.
Alan KM6VV
Weekend… fun…!
Looks like your CNC is running fine!
These motors are speed matched to run blades without gear reduction?
Alan KM6VV
Yup, they are all using low kv motors, at 1000 or less.
They are call outrunner brushless
Low kv and more torque
Hey Eric…
Your CNC is Dangerous! The sign says so. lol
oh yes…!
Alan KM6VV