I’m getting ready to purchase the tri-track for my AL5D but I need to know a few things first:
To run with the PS2 control I use the same tutorial that’s supplied for the A4WD1?
I ask this because it doesn’t actually specify usage with the tri-track. I’m only assuming it’s the same but me and assumptions never really see eye to eye.
Is it alright to go ahead and use the Sabertooth 2x10 RC motor controller instead of the 2x5?
For whatever reason I bought the pieces separately but for a few dollars more it might be worth it just in case I decide pick up the A4WD1 rover or something.
Is the Sabertooth 2x5 NON RC motor controller suitable/easily compatiable for a micro-controller like the arduino?
I know it’s contrary to the question before but this is the kind of decision(s) I’m trying to decide on. I’m open for recommendations!
3a) Is the DIP switch for the NON RC the same lay-out as the RC versions?
This is probably just me not entirely understanding the manual but the switch lay out looked different compared to the RC/PS2 tutorials giving. I’m assuming… rats, there’s me making assumptions again
Since the motors on the A4WD1 are wired together on each side, you should be able to use the same tutorial. However, I can’t say for sure so please verify this with somebody else.
Yes. You can use the same (2X5) or higher (2X10) amperage motor controller, but not a lower amperage controller for the specified application.
All SaberTooth controllers are compatible with any micro that can control servos or send commands out a UART (serial port).
There are many more options on the non-RC SaberTooth controllers, so you will have to make sure the dip switches match up for what you want to do. I have a SaberTooth 2X5 (non-RC) controller that I use in RC mode just fine. The non-RC controllers are supersets of the RC versions. This SaberTooth Dip Switch Wizard will help you make sure the dip switches are set correctly for you application.
To follow up with what Dale said. I do have a tri-track and you can run the same software on it as with the Rover. I was using a sabertooth 2x10 non-rc in mine earlier no problem, but currently have a Basic Micro Roboclaw that I have been helping them test out.
The dip switch setting are different on the Non-RC version than the RC version, but it is not hard to translate them. The NonRC version does give you the option of controlling it by other control inputs like serial packets, which can be fun and can save you one IO pin.
You should be able to use either method on the Arduino controllers.
I soooooooooooooo want to get my hands on a RoboClaw controller! I can’t make real good use of the encoders on my motors unless I wire them up to the AtomPro, which I am not sure will handle two encoders well.
I was using a sabertooth 2x10 non-rc in mine earlier no problem, but currently have a Basic Micro Roboclaw that I have been helping them test out.historic Mainstreet Inn