Tri-Track part availability?

Can I buy the tri-track parts separately?
I have searched the LM website and I can find some of the parts but not all (cannot find the chassis parts). Are these parts available ?

No sorry, we do not have the chassis parts available separately.

Hi Jim and thanks for the reply.

Do I dare to ask if there is a template available for at least the track assembly chassis parts?
I’m on a budget and cannot afford to buy the complete tri-track kit (large shipment cost and probably customs due to big amount). I will be buying all the parts separately from roboshop(they have good shipping options), from time to time and since the chassis is not available maybe you can provide a template so I can make my own.

Jim is this possible ?? :blush:

The manufacturing process does not require me to dimension the parts. The program I use does not have a good DXF export. But I have had some success with using AI export. Can you do anything with Adobe Illustrator?

I will have the cad guys at work open up the file for me . It would be great if you can provide it, thanks

Email sent. Good luck with it.

Thank a million Jim :smiley:

Is that a million Drachmas, Euros, or Dollars. Um, I’ll take Drachmas! lol

Jim, what program did you use to do the .AI export with ?

CorelDRAW! ver 8

Thanks RD, I managed to open the files with CD11.
Next week I will be cutting the chassis parts using a lpkf pcb router at work.
Hope my parts come in fast.

Thanks again for the support.

That’s interesting! I have only limited DXF export capability as well. I take it you can import?

I understand the lack of a need to dimension all parts! With any kind of CAD/CAM, you really don’t need to see all of the dimensions.

Alan KM6VV

I can import DXF to our PCB design tool. Then export the file to lpkf format for our pcb prototype router. It’s a very cool machine to watch and makes some really nice pcbs.

This will turn into a really nice project

Hi Apostolos,

Yeah, LPKF has some great PCB machines! I just imitate them with my CNC’d Sherline mill. I have designed and almost finished a small PCB router made from surplus motion control parts. That should be great for making PCB and sheet aluminum parts!

Yes, I can watch the CNC stuff run for hours. Even more fun then watching my old plotter!

Alan KM6VV

I got the chassis parts routed. Thank you Jim . Now I wait for the the rest of the LM parts to come in and then the fun begins :smiley:


¿Would you please extend the same kindness to me?,
I bought a Tritrack last year, for a university project, and would like to replace some parts to make the chassis transparent.
Particularly the underbelly.

Very Bests


We have had quite a few requests for CAD files, though the idea of making the part files open-source has not been discussed as of yet at RobotShop. For the moment, if you already have the parts made out of lexan, it may be easiest to simply get the important dimensions from there. Given the two different machines used to cut, and likely two different materials, having sub-millimeter accuracy won’t do much.