I am thinking about upgrading my 2nd tri-track chassis motors from the 12v ones they come with to a pair of 24v motors (also moving up to the Sabertooth 2x12 model).
Has anyone else swapped the stock motors? Does anyone know where I can acquire 2x 24v motors that will fit the Tri-track chassis?
Also, would it be worth the hassle to use the same 24v battery and use DC/DC switching controllers to convert it down to my other voltages?
We don’t know of any 24V DC gear motors which directly fit the mounting holes and have the same shaft diameter / length etc. What’s are your reasons behind wanting to use a 24V motor?
I was hoping to use a 24v battery I purchased from a previous project (its less than a month old). I was trying to get around having to purchase another set of 12v & 6v batteries for my 2nd project. I’ll just save it for my next project. 
You could use a ubec like below to get 6v from a 24v battery.
ebay.com/itm/F02041-HENGE-ou … 3f11adc148