Tri-Track Chassis Speed

Hi all, new to the forums (and robotics in general). I just had a few questions about the Tri-Track chassis available in the store.

  1. Can anyone give me a ballpark figure the maximum (sustainable) speed this thing can do, with the stock motors and loaded with just the bare minimum (i.e. with a single 2800mAh battery + just enough electronics).

  2. Has anyone mounted an L6 Arm to it yet, if not do you think it’ll be feasible.

  3. Any idea on the total width + length?

Sorry if some of the questions sound a bit dum, bit I just need some answering for a little something I’m thinking off.

Thanks in advance, Xanium


If you scroll to the bottom of the Tracked Vehicle product page on the Lynxmotion website, many of your questions will be answered.


I am a twit!

I tried looking everywhere (honest, didn’t do a very good job though)

Sorry for the stupid questions…


Don’t feel too bad as I did the same thing initially.

Ask and You shall Find a Response!

No problem.


Based on no load RPM and effective track diameter it will do 25" per second, theoretical, not tested.

It will mount to the base perfectly. It should work great.