Transistor based H-Bridge

Hello everyone I realised after burning through 6 L293D's that they were getting old. I hated them mostly due to the fact that they were fragile. I also burned 3 of them because of static electricity. So I decided to try and make a cheap H-Bridge from transistors. This is just a test circuit what I need to know is: is the circuit correct, can this type of H-Bridge handle more than 2 Amps depending on the transistors used, and do you guys have any suggested modifications if it is wrong.

This is the newer one I

This is the newer one I think it solves the problems. Probably created new ones :slight_smile:

After reading more I made

After reading more I made another version I don’t know if it’s write, but I think it might be. I went through the h-bridge articles on the site.

I don’t understand what is

I don’t understand what is wrong with this I have looked at h-bridge circuits online and they look like this.